1000$ computer build

Forum discussion tagged with 1000$ computer build.
  1. G

    Question New Gaming PC build

    Hey everyone, its been years since I've been on this thread and I want to thank everyone for helping me with any issues or thoughts I've had. I have grown up alot since then and am now in university. i ended up selling the build I made a couple years back and came back recently to the computer...
  2. A

    What needs upgrading in my PC?

    Hello, I'm wondering what is the next upgrade I should do for my PC, because something is wrong. My PC : GTX 970 Asus Strix OC'd edition X4 760K OC'd 4.2GHz DDR3 1600Mhz 6GB (1x4GB 1x2GB) MSI 2AE0 EVGA 500W My problem, It seems as if I have VSync on, on every single game (I don't). It just...