1366x768 Res.

Forum discussion tagged with 1366x768 Res..
  1. ForgottenTemplar

    Build Advice Thoughts on the build? Which of the mobos?

    Hello. So I am about to build a brand new budget system next week or so (Upgrading from an athlon 64 x2 YUP). Here are the components I am aiming to buy but I need advice: Gigabyte B450M S2H / Gigabyte B450M DS3H / Gigabyte GA-AX370M-Gaming 3 / ASUS Prime B450M-K [Which of these would be best...
  2. N

    How to install new GPU and disable on board graphics?

    Hello guys, I am going to install my new GPU into my PC, and am wondering which order I am supposed to do everything?? Is this the correct order to do everything in? -Turn pc on -Download new drivers for GPU -Reboot into BIOS -Change primary graphics to PCIE -Turn PC off -Put the GPU in the PC...