Because tomorrow is Black Friday I've decided to rush into getting, at the very least, the 3 most expensive components for my new PC build. I've built a desktop for gaming before but it was over 5 years ago so needless to say I'm a bit rusty with compatibility. I've been using PCPartPicker and...
Hello there, I'm building new pc for a first time
Here is list of components help me its compatible or not
processor -
Intel Core i7 9700K Desktop 9th Generation Processor 8 Cores up to 4.9 GHz Turbo Unlocked LGA1151 300 Series 95W
Water Cooling-
CORSAIR Hydro Series H100i PRO RGB AIO Liquid...
So, I got a new smartphone (Samsung Galaxy J3 2016) to replace my old one (Microsoft Lumia 535), but my father used it first and it all worked well, until I changed SIM's with him and I can't use the Wi-Fi, it says that it is connected but I can't access apps that require internet, or the...