Looking for any advice/criticism for the below build. The build is intended to run photoshop and Lightroom classic for photo editing. I intentionally tried to have the build be a little overkill in the hopes it lasts with some small updates over time. One question i have is should i include a...
Hello, let me do a quick intro. I'm asian teen that is new to building pc and I've done my reaearch to get some knowledge on building. However, this I can"t figure out why.
Motherboard fans,Cpu fans, gpu and PSU fans won't turn on or basically the whole system wont turn on. I checked a few...
Can someone help/give advice to help build a pc for gaming, photoshop, and video editing. I want to spend 1500 USD or less (is there a general price range for this like would 1500 make a good machine or can I get away with less). I also want the case big enough where its easy to move parts...
case airflow
Computer Advice
cpu cooler
Graphics card & cpu
Personal Computer
power suppiles
price advice