2 2.5 3 slot

Forum discussion tagged with 2 2.5 3 slot.
  1. S

    Question Do I have a 3-slot GPU on a motherboard with 2-slot spacing? So i cant use Nvlink if I buy the same exact GPU?

    Hello all, This is my current GPU: https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-2080-ti-gv-n208tgaming-oc-11gc/p/N82E16814932064?Description=gigabyte%20gaming%20oc&cm_re=gigabyte_gaming_oc-_-14-932-064-_-Product https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Graphics-Card/GV-N2080TGAMING-OC-11GC#kf Here is my...