2 PC's

Forum discussion tagged with 2 PC's.

    [SOLVED] 2 PC’s 2 monitor switch needed.

    Hello, I am looking for a switch that can switch 2 monitors from one pc to the next. I have one that can do one monitor but I’d like one that can do 2 monitors. One of the monitors is 1080p 240hz so it will need to be compatible with that. Thanks in advance!
  2. C

    Best fan controller?

    I'm looking for a fan controller that can handle 18 of these fans http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA68V21E0611&cm_re=silent_wings_2_120mm-_-9SIA68V21E0611-_-Product Any suggestions? I will be using this for zone control...