2000 budget

Forum discussion tagged with 2000 budget.
  1. vertoxed

    Build Advice Questions about $2000 gaming build

    Here's the list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9CHdYN I do not care for RGB lighting and would like everything to stay black. Everything was recently bought off Amazon and the CPU is the only part that hasn't shipped yet. Questions: 1. Realized my case only has two fans so I am thinking of...
  2. HeroChino

    Question Does those parts work well together?

    Sub, I'm in the process of building a new PC primarily for streaming and gaming. Additionally, I plan to use some software features like a voice modifier for my streams and some other stuff. While I have my eyes on playing Cyberpunk 2077, it's not an absolute necessity. I've recently developed...
  3. Terr power

    [SOLVED] gaming Pc desktop building

    Hi guys, im thinking about building a pc gaming desktop. My budget is 2000$(little bit higher is fine, monitor and other accessories doesnt count) Can anyone give me a detail list of the best conmpoment that i need to build one.
  4. Cryptixg

    [SOLVED] just asking for some feedback on this build i have :)

    https://pcpartpicker.com/list/6NVTp8 i would love some recommendations on other parts
  5. B

    [SOLVED] Gaming PC Build

    So I am wanting to build a PC, I will play games on and just browse the web on it. I want it to last me a while without having to upgrade parts right away. I want to be able to play most games above 100 FPS, and I don't exactly know what parts are the best for what. I am trying to keep it around...
  6. S

    [SOLVED] New gaming rig (~2000$) - does this make any sense

    Dear enthusiasts of the TH-community, Time has again passed and my gaming rig has become outdated beyond saving. As every 3-5 years I have decided to get a new rig and as always, I consult you before throwing out tons of money. I am not shy of spending money if the performance increase is...