Forum discussion tagged with 2024.
  1. A

    Build Advice Early 2024 build - - - PCIe 5.0 future proof. OS backup, RAID, Windows 12 and more ?

    Hello, I plan to build my second gaming PC, first one was made in 2017 and it was not optimal (poor airflow, too new components, settings newbe). Still i built a i7 7700k, 2 nvme m.2 drives in raid 0, gtx 1080, mini-itx system at the time, and it still performs today. Now I would like to...
  2. jnjnilson6

    Discussion High-End CPUs in 2024

    What do you think would be the fastest CPUs fronting both the AMD and Intel lines by the end of next year? How would a Core i9-13900KS compare? I know there is not a lot of information online and that mostly this would be guesswork, yet it would be cool to find out what the people here think...