3DMark Demo

Forum discussion tagged with 3DMark Demo.
  1. N

    [SOLVED] GPU underperforms, but clock are fine?

    Hello everyone! I stumbled upon some strange problem and I'm not even sure if that's my paranoia or if I really have some hardware problem. First of all, my setup is: Intel i7 8700k Gigabyte Z370 HD3P Crucial Ballistix Sport LT BLS2C8G4D240FSB 2x8 GB RTX 2080 SUPER 1440p 144hz monitor Corsair...
  2. H

    [SOLVED] Is My GTX 1650 SUPER Fast Enough?

    I bought a GTX 1650 SUPER recently even though I have Ryzen 3 1200 (stock) as CPU. I have been benchmarking this GPU since some time but there is not many people that has identical system so I couldn't think this as a money well spent. I have: GTX 1650 SUPER Ryzen 3 1200 (stock) 8 GB 2666 MHz...
  3. riskiadi

    Restart While Playing a Game , PSU issue ?

    I have vga gtx 750 Ti every play the game my pc always restart and then I use furmark test but its temperature rise very high and restart, then i use vga on board, but no restart ? SS: http://prntscr.com/f43j8l Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb9j0TOOQlI -my pc spec- Intel i5 4460 Vga...