4 cores

Forum discussion tagged with 4 cores.
  1. S

    [SOLVED] can I make my CPU run at regular speeds while having max processor state capped?

    When I have my max processor state capped, the speeds my system is able to run are capped too. 95% cap only lets me run at 2.09GHz, 99% cap only lets me run at 2.19GHz while my CPU is capable of turbo boosting to 4GHz. When I uncap it, I have power limit throttling issues and a lot of CPU...
  2. J

    Question Is my CPU going bad?

    Hello. I have a rather old computer i built myself about 5-6 years ago with an i5-4670k. My last GPU recently died on me so i bought a MSI RTX 2070 gaming X GPU and i had gotten the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare free with the purchase. After having attempted to play it there is some graphical...
  3. L

    [SOLVED] Youtube not loading properly on google chrome?

    i keep having weird problems on youtube in google chrome. little textures and things won't load properly, fullscreen will glitch out so i cannot click any of the icons, and if i'm on dark mode, the top bar will stay white. i'm also having problems with playlists where i can#t scroll the...