8800 gt

Forum discussion tagged with 8800 gt.
  1. DRickraft

    [SOLVED] Is it fixable?

    So basically I opened Firefox and the Google logo and the webpage glitched... After 2 minutes the whole computer did the same until a BSOD with TDR Video Failure (or something) appeared on the screen (fully glitched). It does boot to Windows but the PC freezes when trying to turn it off or...
  2. K

    2400MHz on H110m mb

    Hi, can anyone please help me. I want to buy G4560, Asus H110M-K and 8GB 2400MHz DDR4. I saw on Asus's official site that this mb supports 2400MHz but only with Kaby lake cpu https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/H110M-K/specifications/ All posts on internet are old, from first half of 2016...