980ti strix

Forum discussion tagged with 980ti strix.
  1. P

    Question Do thermal pads have to come in contact with the heatsink for effective cooling?

    Right now I’m repasting a used GTX 980ti and the heatsink doesn’t touch the vrms, at all… This leads me to believe they vrms were made to be passively cooled by the fans, but I was wondering if adding thermal pads on top of the vrms, even though they dont touch the heatsink would offer any...
  2. D

    Graphics card max memory

    Hello! I want to know if i can get a 4gb card, but there is a Graphics card max memory of 2GB... I want to know if i can run the 4gb GTX 960 4gb card? PC specs: 16Gb of RAM 1600Mhz DDR3 [Just upgraded] i3 4160 3.6Ghz Geforce Gt 740 2Gb [VRAM] [Overclocked it] 30fps 1k low settings Gta 5...