Acer Aspire E5575G

Forum discussion tagged with Acer Aspire E5575G.
  1. Nemo669

    [SOLVED] Help identifying motherboard chips

    Hello,I have an Acer aspire E5 575G laptop And I spilled a little bit of a drink on it a few days ago, I got it checked and he said that thtee chips in the motherboard are faulty and need to be replaced, however he gave me an overpriced cost, I could find one of the chips online and it costs $5...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Steam won't load on my wifi network

    Im facing the problem where everying else is woking fine on my wifi network, chrome, amazon etc. but steam is not loading at all, the steam store wont load also not downloading any game updates as well. I have decent wifi connection and everything works perfectly on it except steam. Please help...