Forum discussion tagged with ADDON.
  1. XAKEP

    [SOLVED] Looking for a PCIx USB Addon Card or a Quality HUB

    Hello and Happy new year everyone !! I have a quick one here. I am looking for more USB ports. I have a requirement, no molex power cable. I simply can't get one into the card without screwing up a look. I already tried several cards without molex and they're not working too well. I am...
  2. GhostPyro

    safe voltage for 2133 mhz on ram

    im trying to overclock my corsair vengeance pro 1866mhz 8gb 1.5v to 2133mhz at 1.6 volts. is 1.6 too high? also, the bios shows the value 1.60000 instead of 1.6 is this normal?