AMD Eyefinity

Forum discussion tagged with AMD Eyefinity.
  1. M

    Question how do you change the resolution on AMD Eyefinity?

    Eyefinity question only. (I can't find where to change the resolution out of Eyefinity, either. Not within the Adrenalin software) Noob question, I know. Using my son's 7900XTX temporarily and I have three displays. I'm trying to finish Horizon Forbidden West, which will not play at 11520x2160...
  2. M

    gaming problem !

    i just purchased the gigabyte geforce gtx 980 ti g1 gaming beast even with that some games lags for a part of a second from time to time like farcry 4 and gta v and call of duty :aw stutteres alot when using supersampling 16x my pc preferences i have a cpu :intel i5-3450 3.1 ghz 6mb cache...