AMD Ryzen 5 1600

Forum discussion tagged with AMD Ryzen 5 1600.
  1. S

    [SOLVED] Attempts to revert an overclock with Ryzen 5 1600

    Hey y'all. Today I decided to revert an overclock I had set (3,6GHz) something like 2 years ago and lo and behold my computer would instantly shut down in some scenarios, most notably it first happened with launching games, then after changing some settings (I wish I had kept track of what I...
  2. Luke45

    [SOLVED] Which motherboard is better for amd ryzen 5 1600

    Should i go for b450 or save more budget for ram and buy a320. I have 1500kn(200euros) and in croatia 1600 costs 800kn (107). Now i have x4 860k so i will need new ram as well.So b450 costs 480kn and a320 costs 370kn. Hyperx fury ram 8gb ddr4 2400mhz costs 280kn and there ram TRANSCEND 8GB DDR4...