AMD vs Nvidia

Forum discussion tagged with AMD vs Nvidia.
  1. Iver Hicarte

    Question Why Does Nvidia Keep Making GPUs that Have Low VRAM?

    I read and heard somewhere (I can't recall exactly where) that Nvidia can get away with lower VRAM with their GPUs compared to their AMD counterparts since they have mastered something in relation to "Lossless Image Compression". If I'm not mistaken and from how I understand it, it works just...
  2. D

    GPU performance drops dramatically after Stress-test with Furmark

    Hi, im currently running into a problem with my GPU , here's my specs: - Motherboard: Asrock H81M-G - CPU: i5 4460 3.2ghz - RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz - GPU: Zotac 1060 3GB mini - PSU: Corsair VS400 - Drives : 7200RPM HDD and a SSD My PC has been running perfectly and give very good gaming...
  3. S

    Internet issues one PC only

    Looking at the image above, you can see that my PC gets a lower internet speed than my phone, or any other PC my family own in the house. On bad days the ping can be over 200 for hours. I done the basics, such as running antivirus, updating drivers and checking if any programs are using an...
  4. B

    Will this Build be Quite, Small and powerfull ?

    Hello all. im planing on giving myself a greate christmas gift this year. i am going to build my self a gaming/media mini pc. So far i have tried to pick parts that is more than good enough to play the newest games at a as high graphic as possible for years to come. also i would like the...
  5. -HH-

    Losing the silicone lottery?

    So basically for 6-7 months now I've been holding off on doing any overclocking to my intel i7 5930k paired with my Asus deluxe motherboard but I did the other day via the ASUS easy tune as I am an utter noob at overclocking and don't want to pop a £500 cpu. None the less through the ASUS easy...
  6. V

    Home Desktop Networking Issue

    Hello everyone, I turn here because I couldnt find the answer on google ;(. In advance I'd like to say I'm posting this for a friend, so if it takes me a second to answer, it's his fault. That aside, he is having a problem with his computer randomly disconnecting all the time. His computer will...
  7. A

    Need help upgrading an HP Pavilion p6310y with new power supply/graphics card to do some light gaming

    The Specs: The Motherboard: Should I try upgrading it by adding a new power supply and graphics card? My desktop has 8 gb of ram installed already but it's making a weird loud noise whenever I boot it...
  8. B

    Opinions and suggestions on planned new single gpu M-ITX system.

    Hi! I'm planning a new rig and I was wondering if perhaps you knowledgable folks here on Tom's Hardware would like to give me your two cents on my setup. Before we go any further I must tell you that the last time i built a computer Riva TNT and 3DFX Voodoo were the shit. So, if I seem like a...
  9. S

    Farcry 2, Fire is invisible??

    Just got farcry 2 fortunes pack today at a sale, Games good so far, i'm about 20 minutes in but after using a molotov and seeing cars explode.. i heard fire, but never saw any, so i went close and got burned! I tried reloading the game and messing with display settings, but its still not...
  10. C

    Need help with grahics card!

    Hello i was wondering if this card would work with my pc, This is the pc that i have...
  11. K

    USB Flash Drive

    When i try and copy to the flash drive it will only copy about 13 GB worth of data. I tried copying MP3 and then PDF files. It is a 32GB flash drive so i know there is space. I tried using a different flash drive and it did the same thing. I tried formatting to fat32 and it did the same thing...