apu build

Forum discussion tagged with apu build.
  1. MonkeGang

    [SOLVED] Vega vs UHD 750

    I'm looking to buy an APU and I'm pretty confused between the ryzen 4650g which has the better vega 7 graphics and the i5 11400 which is a better CPU but has a much weaker uhd graphics. My main purpose is to use Photoshop, illustrator and premiere pro(1080p) and almost no gaming is involved
  2. AmeedMv

    Question Need Advice on Motherboard Selection

    Hey guys. So after spending a week on fine tuning this parts list, I've finally decided to ask for help again. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/ameedmv/saved/#view=mD6Jyc All of the components are geared towards most bang for the buck without a GPU. I just have one little problem. I do not know...