Forum discussion tagged with ARP.
  1. Pashovski

    [SOLVED] Adding a Static ARP (WOL)

    My Home Assistant Server needs to send WOL to my TV. I am using Unifi gear, and in order to do WOL between different subnets I need to add a static ARP. My confusion here is where to put the MAC address; after reading this thread, I'm confused about the exact order and placement of the MAC and...
  2. DaWheelo

    Can I run GTA 5 at 45-60 FPS?

    Hey guys, just wondering if I will run GTA 5 at 40FPS+ with this build: CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K Quad Core 3.7GhZ GPU: Sapphire Radeon R7 250 2GB BOOST RAM: 8GB