Artificial Intelligence

Forum discussion tagged with Artificial Intelligence.
  1. T

    Build Advice DS/AI/ML build - first build in fifteen years - does it all work together?

    Approximate Purchase Date: Nothing required. Soon would be good though. I'm ready to order things now. Budget Range: 1500 USD ish System Usage from Most to Least Important: 1. Data Science/Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning. My main interest is convolutional neutral networks (image...
  2. E

    Question Recommended Upgrade for my cpu

    Hello guys i plan to change my actual cpu (i5 6500/MB: msi b150m bazooka) because its getting old. I play a lot of RPG games and i want to know what are a recommended upgrade for that cpu and motherboard. Some of the games i want to play are AC: Odissey and future rpgs what where going to be cpu...
  3. N

    [SOLVED] Water cooled i7 7700k overheating badly

    First of all, hello to everyone! My setup MB Asus Prime Z270 A CPU i7 7700k PS Corsair Vengeance 650M GPU Strix 1080 I have a Liqmax II 240 on the cpu, with the 2 fans sucking air in the front of the case through the radiator and 2 case fans blowing air out from the back. The PC is one year...
  4. C

    [SOLVED] 2600x wont boost all the way

    I just got a 2600x, and have been bench marking it. With game boost on in the bios, the clock speed wont break 4.05ghz, but the cpu is supposed to go to 4.2. Anyone know why?
  5. J

    Cpu with this Gpu

    Hi guys, I am just curious if I can add an RTX 2060 with my Ryzen 5 2600.? Thanks
  6. T

    [SOLVED] Windows won’t boot on my new computer

    I just built a new computer and I bought a windows 10 thing from Best Buy. When ever I try to load windows I get a message that says another device is required can someone please help.
  7. E

    Which RTX 2080 to buy?

    I dont know which rtx 2080 to buy, anyone have recommendations? (looking to buy from newegg)
  8. J

    100% usage BFV I7-9700k (5.1ghz)

    battlefield 5 low fps low 50's to 60's any other game is fine my rig is I7-9700k (5.1ghz) 16gb ddr4 ram 2666mhz mobo: asus strix z390-F windows 10 64 bit fresh install all latest drivers gigabyte gtx1080ti monitor 1440p 100hz asus pannel the game looks amazing but with the drops in fps its not...
  9. P

    [SOLVED] i5-2320 Temp whit stock cooler

    Hello are this temp alright with a stock intel cooler thanks
  10. M

    PC just freezes without anything work, mouse, keyboard nothing.

    I have just experienced fully freeze of my windows 10 computer. It freezes while I was using xampp and typed some post for website im creating offline. Nothing could do but hard restart. I am typing from it now, but I won't be able to sleep if I do not discover what it was. So right now I am...
  11. A

    Smart charger for HP touchscreen laptop?

    Is there a laptop charger cable out there that will stop charging the laptop once it’s fully charged?
  12. P

    Will gtx graphics card work on FM2+ mothe board?

    Hello guys, i have a motherboard with a FM2+ socket, (my processor is AMD A8-7600) and im planning on buying a new graphics card up to 150 pounds, would gtz 1050 ti fit the socket and do you have any other suggestions.
  13. C

    how to connect subwoofer to reciever with pre out main in

    want to connect my subwoofer but only have pre out main in connection
  14. hotfusion

    No sound from speaker after transformer replacement.

    Hi, I have this 2.1 PC speaker which end up dead after a short circuit with the step down transformer being the issue. I recently bought a new new transformer and replaced it. The speaker can now be turned on but no sound can come out for some reason. The last time I tested with a small...
  15. D

    My Computer won't work

    When I press the power on button on my Windows 10 it turns on. Except i don't see the hard drive light turn on. It also sounds too quiet. This all started when I sleeper my computer
  16. A

    Proper heat sink surface

    Does the heat sink surface have to be the same size as the cpu surface? Someone is trying to tell me the heat sink surface can be smaller than cpu surface. Working in the industry for 40 years, I have never seen cpu surface not covered by heat sink surface. My cpu fan went out on my amd...
  17. E

    Which GPU is viable for my pc?

    Hey guys. I have an old pc and playing 2 hours of game after work. I want to upgrade my GPU since current one is bad for me playing games like fifa, rust, culling etc. I am a pc noob so dont know anything bout this bottleneck thingy. Athlon II X4 645 3,1 GHZ 8gb ram 350 watt power supply amd hd 5750
  18. D

    Is this good for a budget build?

    CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K 3.7GHz Quad-Core CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper TX3 Evo 43.1 CFM Motherboard: ASRock FM2A55M-VG3 Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Video Card: HIS Radeon R9 270 2GB IceQ X² Case: Fractal Design Core...
  19. A

    Need to figure out how to boot into safe mode windows 8

    I was playing star wars the old republic and I hit the 'windows' key. It caused my resolution to change to a frequency that's out of range of what my monitor can support. Now my computer boots into "Out of Range" as soon as the circles that blip around at startup go away. I am trying to boot...