asrock mainboard

Forum discussion tagged with asrock mainboard.
  1. W

    [SOLVED] PC freezes at Win10 Start after I changed the mainboard

    Hey! So basically I changed my motherboard to an ASRock B550 with 32 GB Ram and an AMD Ryzen 5 5600X. As soon as I booted the system the Windows Symbol showed up but not even the Circles. Naturally I started the automatic repair- nothing happened. So I got myself an USB with Windows 10, tried...
  2. abeer72

    computer generating too much heat.

    Hello, greetings, Well this problem occurs every summer. whenever i use my pc it tries to cook me alive,it generates so much heat that i have to switch on the air conditioner even on a 20c day.I would like to know if buying a water cooler would do any good but i don't think that it will make a...