asus sabertooth x99

Forum discussion tagged with asus sabertooth x99.
  1. N. E. Naimuish

    Question Flashed BIOS on Sabertooth X99 not realizing that 2 SSDs were in RAID

    Now, the PC will only boot into BIOS (I'm guessing it is waiting for me to re-select RAID instead of AHCI?). Several months ago, I purchased this TUF full tower PC off Craigslist. System specs: ASUS Sabertooth X99 i7 5960x 2x GTX 1080 SLI 4x 16GB (64GB) G Skill Ripjaws 2133 (2400.xmp)...
  2. E

    [SOLVED] Problems Installing Windows on SSD via USB Media Tool

    I am currently trying to do a fresh install of Windows 10 on a new machine. I am using Windows Media Tool via USB. when i boot the USB I get the loading icon trying to boot but it freezes and stops responding. The motherboard is a Sabertooth x99 with latest bios 4101. I am pretty convinced its...