
Forum discussion tagged with atc800.
  1. G

    Question Is the ATC800 good for gaming and basic tasks?

    Hello, I'm planning on using an ATC800 with an I7-14700K processor. I just wanted to know, since I'm not planning on overclocking, maybe in the future only doing some fine tuning, as a cooler is it sufficient enough and is it good for tasks such as gaming and in general playing triple A games...
  2. LORYT699

    [SOLVED] 9-pin usb to 3-pin argb ?

    Hi, I have an atc800 from gigabyte, the mobo is an msiz390 tomahawk and the problem is about the light system of the cooler. I don t know why but gigabyte had thinked that put an 9pin for the rgb conrol was a good thing, now I m searching how to put that 9 pin(usb) to a 3 pin for argb. I have an...