audio latency

Forum discussion tagged with audio latency.
  1. AlexMysh

    Question High WDM audio driver latency with Focusrite Audio Interface compared to Nvidia HDMI audio ?

    Hi everyone, I have a brand new Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 4th Generation USB Audio Interface. This card is a professional audio interface that means it has ASIO windows drivers with <5ms audio latency(it works perfectly). However it also has standard Windows audio drivers (consumer interface)...
  2. vishalaestro

    Question Does Audio DPC latency affect gaming performance

    I having Dell G5 with I5 8300G,16GB RAM and GTX 1060 max q overclocked to 1800mhz. The problem is that even with the latest BIOS update the DPC latency on latcncymon is showing red bars. Does this affect gaming FPS performance?