Audio not working

Forum discussion tagged with Audio not working.
  1. E

    Question Audio stopped working, but it's not the usual issue - it's actually very weird

    Hi guys I have a very weird issue I really need help with, and im sure its unrelated to drivers etc Lets start here; my monitor audio stopped working - but it started in the weirdest way. On Discord you can share your spotify session with others for them to listen along, I shared one and...
  2. N

    Not Getting the FPS I Should be Getting

    Hi everyone, for some odd reason I'm not getthe the fps I should be getting. My Specs: Graphics Card: 980 TI CPU: i7 4790k RAM: 16gb I don't know if this matters but I gave a dual monitor set up going on, don't know if that affects performance or not. When I first built my pc I was running...
  3. B

    edit device id of gtx 650 to to gtx 680.

    Is it possible to change the device id of my gpu to another gpu, ex- Gtx 650ti to Gtx 680 or Gtx 660ti.?. I know I wont get any performance diff. Just to show off to my friends . I wanna change vram size and device id alone. No overclocking or that stuff.
  4. P

    Which graphics card should I use?

    I've been looking around for graphics cards recently and I was going to get for $189 after rebates, but I found for less then $20 more at a faster clock speed and higher ram. Now...