AVAST antivirus

Forum discussion tagged with AVAST antivirus.
  1. vilperinv

    [SOLVED] specific requirements for specific anti-virus

    I need an antivirus that has the following: 1- Provides full protection yet very light on RAM and CPU. 2- Doesn't delete stuff behind my back (Avast now is deleting programs without my permission, even if I add the exceptions) 3- Preferably, has a great VPN service. 4- Preferably, a license...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Can i have only Windows Defender as my antivirus ?

    Can i have only windows defender on my pc is that enough? Also ccleaner? Because in planning to delete avast cuz it takes some of my pcs performance..
  3. mangaman

    Question Kaspersky one time scan tool false positive?

    The one time scan tool from Kaspersky detected the program PAExec.exe, but after further investigation it's a false positive. It's a legit program from Power Admin and only 5 out of 69 scanners in VirusTotal detected it as a virus. However, Kaspersky also detected a Trojan.Multi.GenAutorunReg.a...
  4. A

    Question Avast wont open or respond at all

    Ive been using avast for maybe 4 yrs now and Im very happy with it. But after a recent windows reinstall it refuses to open(or rather it would just flash in the task bar for a less than a second and than would turn off). Ive tried everything like reinstaling it, repairing it, online, offline...
  5. mangaman

    [SOLVED] Avast False positive

    Avast did a scan and detected a false positive with some VM files. These files are snapshots of a windows machine in VMware, but avast says that these are a high threat. I scanned them with Malwarebytes and did a scan with hitman pro, and both did not detect anything unusual. They are .vmem...