b550 aorus pro ac

Forum discussion tagged with b550 aorus pro ac.
  1. P

    [SOLVED] Bluescreen after BIOS update + XMP activated (BSOD IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL )

    I get blue screen if I update to a newer BIOS version. The only BIOS that is working with XMP enabled is F13. If I update the BIOS to F14, F15a or F15c and activate the XMP profile, I get bluescreen almost every time when windows starts. If I deactivate XMP, Windows is working properly. Error...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] B550 Aorus Pro AC with USB power surge problems, what could it be?

    Hi guys, recently I have sent my motherboard to RMA but I need my new build for work (old i5 4690 is too weak for multiple VMs and docker containers), so I was wondering what I could think off these issues, since if I confirm it's a motherboard related problem I could buy a new one at a blink...