
Forum discussion tagged with batchfile.
  1. AlvinSeville

    [SOLVED] How to remove extra symbols before and after named argument in Batch Script?

    Hello! My task is to remove all extra symbols from named argument. For instance I have ,,,--no-color,, option passed to script and I have to cut everything but --no-color. I've solved it via Bash code: shopt -s extglob option="--no-color,," pattern="--+([[:alpha:]]*(-[[:alpha:]]))" while [[...
  2. AlvinSeville

    [SOLVED] How to pass argument list to function where each argument contains spaces?

    Hello! How to pass argument list to function where each argument contains spaces in Batch Script? Here is my code: @echo off set list="first value" "second value" call :p "%list%" pause @echo on @goto eof :p for %%v in (%~1) do echo %%v exit /b 0 :eof I want to obtain: first...
  3. J

    Question how to call a path on a command line with (x86)

    I need a direct path on a command line such as this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\PlotSoft\PDFill\PDFill.exe" The problem is the Program Files (x86) folder. Any ideas?
  4. M

    Cooling Titan X

    Does a Titan X need watercooling? Im sceptical towards the nVidia cooler. Sli would not be out of the picture on a later date when one wont do it annymore.