battery dead

Forum discussion tagged with battery dead.
  1. T

    Question My Laptop not charging

    My Laptop is HP 640 G2 , When i plug the charger , the laptop power on and Charger LED is always white but battery status is plug in , only 2% and not charging . if i removed the adapter the laptop shut down So the Adapter manage to power on the laptop but cannot charge it despite the Charging...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] Razer Blade 15 just died.

    Hi, I bought a Razer Blade 15 with the RTX 2070 not to long ago and today I was installing the Epic Games store but it froze and gave me the blue screen of death. I figured, "ah whatever" and restarted the laptop. To my surprise, the laptop booted to the bios and for some reason under "Boot" the...
  3. Johsbr

    [SOLVED] Dead battery?

    So i have had my laptop for about a year now. I haven't abused it but it has some scratches because of a idiot in a airport that threw with my suitcase -.- the problem is that i can only get 0% charge on it and if i unplug it from the charger it dies within a second Here is a picture from...