benq pd3200q

Forum discussion tagged with benq pd3200q.
  1. Crimson Morrow

    [SOLVED] Benq PD3200Q-T: What does T mean?

    Hi there! So I'm looking into PD3200Q and then I saw PD3200Q-T model. I don't see any difference between the models what so ever. Anybody knows what the difference is?
  2. Crimson Morrow

    [SOLVED] BenQ PD3200Q vs BenQ PD3200U (IPS vs VA)

    Hey guys! So I'm trying to decide between 3200Q and 3200U model and I need some help. So the only two differences between the monitors are that Q is 2k while U is 4k, and Q is a VA and U is an IPS. Both are 32 inches and other specs are completely identical. Just to make it clear. I'm looking...