beyerdynamics mmx 300

Forum discussion tagged with beyerdynamics mmx 300.
  1. B

    [SOLVED] DAC/AMP question with beyerdynamic mmx 300 v2

    Hello I just bought a pair of beyerdynamic MMX 300 V2, and with the sound blaster x7, which I'm returning because It's the most overpriced garbage I've ever bought. The problem with the Sound Blaster x7, was that when I launched a game the audio would dissapear and it would say that windows...
  2. W

    Need help deciding what to have

    Okay so i am going to upgrade from a fx 6100 with an msi 970 mb, I would like to get an i7 6700k with a motherboard that will oc it rather far as i have a cooler master v8 gts air cooler, i need a mobo that is inexpensive and red, if it is not red then ir needs to be a very very good deal