BIOS Beeping

Forum discussion tagged with BIOS Beeping.
  1. W

    Question Persistent PC beeping issue after upgrading to an RX 5600 XT ?

    Hello everyone! I find myself in a frustrating situation and could really use some help. I recently acquired an older PC from my brother after he upgraded. Here are the specs: Motherboard: Intel DH77KC RAM: 16 GB CPU: Intel Core i7 3770K PSU: 550W A friend suggested I upgrade the graphics card...
  2. M

    Pretty sure I'm missing something

    Okay so I have been seeing lately a lot of people knocking on the AMD FX series chips. Personally I have the FX-8350, I like it a lot and it does what I need it to do but i do realize its not the greatest CPU out there for gaming. The questions I have is why are people hating on the FX chips...