bios fail

Forum discussion tagged with bios fail.
  1. hasaga

    Question NEED HELP!! Bad Bios Update..

    I have a ECS H67 H2 m3 v1.0 Motherboard.. i just try to update bios with eBlue software in windows 10 and is crashed.. now i cant turn on my pc. only power. no usb ports working for keyboards and mouse. its just power on . no display.. Help me plz...
  2. M

    Sony Vaio i5 sve14137cvw Ram Upgrade

    Hy. I Have Sony Vaio i5 sve14137cvw Model. It has 4GB Ram at the moment. And I Intend To upgrade it. It says In It's specs "Upgradable Upto 8GB". Does that Mean That I can add only 4 more GB Ram To make a total of 8GB Ram. Or I can add an 8GB ram in Unused slot and Make it a Total of 12GB?
  3. H

    ASUS M5A97 EVO R2.0 Once again problem with blinking LED`s...

    Hello, I am writing here because I am out of ideas what could be wrong or what else could I do. I would appreciate any suggestions... The computer won`t boot. A red CPU LED light goes on when I push the power button. After pressing the MemOK button a red DRAM light starts flashing. The...