black out

Forum discussion tagged with black out.
  1. DevanDrake99

    Question Radeon RX 560 driver keeps causing a black screen ?

    I've been having problems with my GPU driver for a very long time, and I still can't figure out how to fix it. Whenever my PC was idling, the screen freezes for 20 seconds and it blacks out. It happens in three different ways: -Screen blacks out and stays like that until I hard reset my PC by...
  2. D

    Acer laptop freeze - factory reset - Acer eLaunch, step 7/8

    I see an old thread labeled "Acer laptop stuck after factory rest at 7/8” but I don’t see any solutions. I basically have the same problem. I want to reset an factory Acer Aspire 5315-2713 using its built in factory reset option. Everything loads fine until it gets to 7/8 of Acer's...
  3. T

    What Gaming Pc Can I get for £400

    I want to build a entry level pc which maybe I could run bf4 high with at least 40fps I'm not going to need monitor key board or mouse but need windows 7, if you could help me out with in my budget pc sis I am a bit of a noob whith building pcs