black screen before bios splash

Forum discussion tagged with black screen before bios splash.
  1. N

    Question Much slower boot time after power outage.

    Hi there, recently while I was on my PC I experienced a power outage that caused my PC to shut off and turn back on again a few times. When I booted the computer after power was restored I couldn't get past a black screen with a "-" in the top left corner. After restarting it again It brought...
  2. G

    Question Why can’t i get into my BIOS but i can get into windows?

    Hello, i just bought an ASUS B550-F, a ryzen 5 5600x, and 2 more sticks of 3200mhz 8gb sticks (i have 2400mhz included) After taking and replacing all my parts from my old MOBO to my new one, i turn my pc on to see the DRAM light go on for 5 seconds, then the red CPU light for 1 second, then...