blackscreen after more ram

Forum discussion tagged with blackscreen after more ram.
  1. C

    Question PC blackscreen after installing a new CPU

    I bought a Ryzen 5600 2 years ago to replace my 2600. After installing it i got a black screen. I fixed it by switching my RAM slots from A2 and B2 to B2 and A1 and forgot about it. Yesterday I tried to switch them back to A2 and B2 but got a black screen again. Then i switched them back to B2...
  2. bitconnect

    [SOLVED] Help needed with troubleshooting problem after installing new RAM

    Firstly, I would like to quickly go over my issue and then I'll say what I've tried already. Specs: - MSI MPG X570 Gaming Edge WiFi -AMD Ryzen 5800X -RTX 3080Fe - Cooler Master 850W 80+ Gold Rated MWE PSU - 500GB Sabrent NVME SSD - Noctua DH15 I have used my PC for two years now and I decided...