Block Senders

Forum discussion tagged with Block Senders.
  1. B

    Question How to block these unusual spam emails ?

    screenshot Once a week, my inbox is flooded with dozens of spam emails called "John Blue. I recorded you". The sender emails each come from a different address as seen in the screenshot. i.e something like "John Blue" As this address changes for every email, I can't see how to block...
  2. L

    no screen on hd 5850

    I have a Vtx hd 5850,foxconn a76gmv mobo,4 gb 1333 mhz ram,500 watt high power psu. There is no screen nowadays when ı use vtx gpu.when ı somewhat push the gpu on motherboard,there is screen.when ı leave it,screen goes away. I used another gpu,hd 5450 on this issues. I used vtx on...