bloody keybaord

Forum discussion tagged with bloody keybaord.
  1. imhkbuksh

    Question Bloody S510R keyboard acting weirdly(SOLVED)

    It started with a complete power loss a few weeks ago, but it came back on after opening the Bloody app. Then, recently, when I tried changing the RGB lighting animation, the keyboard went haywire, typing random keys, flickering the Num Lock light, and some keys became unresponsive. I managed to...
  2. S

    Question How to fix A4tech Bloody keyboard light problem

    I've been facing this from for months, Still haven't found any solution. The keyboard is still useable but I can't change the light, It's stuck in breathing effect, Can't even change the light color. I've tried different version of keydominator 2 (Keyboard driver software) still can't fix...