boot sector virus

Forum discussion tagged with boot sector virus.
  1. 1WaffleIron

    [SOLVED] Possible Boot sector virus? Winload.exe wont load. Windows Defender found Persistence!rfn

    Hi all, Last night a friend I thought I could trust when it comes to this stuff, shared a cracked program with me, telling me that it was safe. I scanned it with Malwarebytes Pro and it came back fine. I stupidly downloaded it and immediately realized the installer was doing something shady...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Bios boot to much slow in bootable OS else Software

    Hi legends.. my first experiance in BIOS bootable software to much slow in windows 7 OS installation else hiren boot.. i try both pendrive & CD.. its very very dead slow.. its take long time to next step... what can i do?? solution please legends.. System Configuration Intel i3 2GB Ram 500GB HDD