So yesterday afternoon my computer is fine, but a few hours later, when I turn my computer back on, when booting where there is a windows logo and spinning dots, but after 2 seconds, the spinning dots freeze, I have tried all the ways
1. Try reinstalling windows with USB
but still, the spinning...
I have a Toshiba Satellite C50-B-14D. Recently I tried booting it however the system froze on the "Toshiba Leading Innovation" screen with the numlock key permanently lit. Trawling through various internet solutions I eventually pressed the following key combo before firing up the laptop...
My PC stopped booting fully up. All fans will spin, the mobo LEDs are reporting 00 but I am not communicating with the monitors.
These are the steps I have taken so far without any luck.
Tested and replaced the Power supply
Re-seated all 4 RAM sticks
Tested each individual RAM stick.