Bottlenecked by CPU

Forum discussion tagged with Bottlenecked by CPU.
  1. James Bondage

    Question Struggling to enjoy gaming experience with my current PC.

    Hello guys, I dont know what to say but Im struggling with my current pc to put some efforts on gaming experience, no matter what settings I play low or high its the same crappy fps im talking about 30-50 on some multiplayer games such as rust and squad/ HIGH CPU USAGE on Battlefield 1 and some...
  2. _Aero_

    DDR4 Not Working with MSi h170 gaming m2 board

    Hey, I've recently started building my first PC and I seem to have run into a problem. My memory, which is a Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 2x4gb 2133Mhz doesn't seem to run with the motherboard, which is an Msi H170 gaming motherboard. We can put one stick of memory in and it will run fine but the...