As the title suggests I was curious to see If I can build/buy/upgrade a PC for $1,500? If not I am willing to go up to $1,900 if needed. I am open to suggestions/feedback.... This would be a mix of New/Used Parts
Reason to build this PC, Is to have a "Backup" PC for when my main PC goes down...
Please let me know if you know any good gpu pairs with the cpu. Im currently looking into either Radeon RX 6500 XT or a nvdia 1660 or a 3050/3060
even if it bottlenecks it a bit and its fine then i dont have a problem cause i could in the future upgrade the cpu:vendredi:
Hello PC Enthusiasts,
I have question as to see If Is possible to build an i7 9900k PC with a 1080Ti on an $800 budget. Can it be done or not really this would also serve as an updated Gaming PC for myself, my i7 4770k is still working fine, but I want to update to newer hardware before my PC...
So , i have a system with a 2500 k and a p8p67 motherboard. i noticed that the cpu was overheating so i swapped it with a 2400 . I put the 2500 k in a oem unit and the overheating stopped while the 2400 on the p8p67 (a perfectly untouched working cpu), idled in the mid 60 degrees .So all of this...