burned gpu

Forum discussion tagged with burned gpu.
  1. S

    [SOLVED] Burnt GTX 1080

    I left my PC idling with New World in the background while showering and returned to my PC being shut off and releasing a burning smell. I dismantled every thing to find out where the smell came from. It was my GPU. Now, there is obviously a bit of damage but is there any hope in repairing the...
  2. alduin bane of kings

    [SOLVED] evga gtx 970 smoked

    hello. my gtx 970 smoked a while ago and stopped working so i took it off and didnt use it. its been like 1 month and a few weeks since that happened. today i got free time and opened the card to find that those black squares (total of 12) above the gpu die one of them caused the white smoke...