cable sleeving

Forum discussion tagged with cable sleeving.
  1. Thoomin

    [SOLVED] How to remove the male terminal connector on an 8pin PCI extension cable ?

    So I am trying to sleeve an 8 pin extension cable I got from amazon, but I do not have the tools to do so. I have searched everywhere on the internet, watched videos, and went through websites, but I have not seen a thing. Keep in mind, I am trying to open up the MALE connector, not the female...
  2. TheMajesticBurger

    [SOLVED] Is there a purpose for the sensor 4pin?

    Hello, I have a Sliverstone ST75F-PT and I've decided to start on a new project. Sleeving the cables! But I noticed that the 20pin+4pin motherboard connector is connected to an additional 4pin connector connecting to the psu side which is supposedly the sensor cable. I am wondering if I can just...
  3. Lord Odin

    Asus Z390 Maximus Differences?

    Already pre-ordered the 9900k and definitely going with Asus Maximus board but can't decide which one. What's the differences between Extreme, Formula, Code, and Hero? Can't find a clear distinction between these in any one source.
  4. P

    Crazy FPS Drop in games

    Okay so, I've had my laptop for about 2 years now and recently my fps has dropped from a steady 40 fps to crazy low numbers like 5 or so. Although the numbers do fluctuate from time to time the games are still unplayable. This has forced me to play ALL my games on low which still seems to have...