cant detect drives

Forum discussion tagged with cant detect drives.
  1. B

    Question Xbox one will not detect WD Passport Ultra.

    I have the original Xbox one, and a WD Passport Ultra. It was working perfect for external storage I until plugged it in at my friends house. Now my Xbox won't even detect it. Works perfectly fine in a laptop, but my Xbox can't even see it. The hard drive light came on, so I it's running. Cord...
  2. A

    Which 750Ti for HP dc7900 CMT?

    Edit Confirmed! It fits! (sorta). See my Aug 14, 2017 post for more details Hello everyone! I checked the other threads concerning this case, but I didnt find a conclusive answer. I am looking into the 750ti series, particularly the EVGA SC version. Do you think the DC7900 case will fit it...