Case cables

Forum discussion tagged with Case cables.
  1. O

    Question Where to connect the ARGB Input cable?

    Hello guys, so I’m putting together my first PC and got this ARGB INPUT cable form the case and I can’t find any slots in the motherboard only this one coming from the PSU, should I connect them?or is it for something else? Also got this SATA cable with same story. View...
  2. Cooldudealpha4

    Question Case fans are only semi-working ?

    I recently bought a Corsair spec delta case and the fans in the front were working fine until I did some cable management to the back to untangle them and now the top and bottom fan have stopped spinning. The RGB works fine in all 3 and the middle one spins but the other 2 stopped and I’ve tried...
  3. D

    [SOLVED] Slight burning smell inside case

    So I built a new PC a while ago and when I turned on for a few minutes, I it smelt like something was burning a little bit in the case, well I don't know if it was burning but I don't know how else to describe it. I could only smell it if I stuck my head inside the case, it wasn't noticeable...
  4. Djavuln

    Question Case only has 1 front panel cable? (powersw cable)

    title says it all, mildly confused since I've seen most people have quite a few more than I do, I'm a bit of a noob so for now my only theory is that the other cables are preassembled in the back side where the hubs are (using noctis 450 rog)
  5. F

    [SOLVED] Reveal your secrets, SilverStone FT02 Case

    I'm planning to upgrade my system, but keeping my FT02 case. I opened it today to check it out a bit (I did not build this pc myself, but chose components), to prepare for building my new system. I saw some connectors and I don't really understand why they are there or what they do. Here's a...
  6. Epicness937

    r7 250 with 250w psu

    hi im looking to figure out if anyone knows if i can install my old r7 250 in my dad's old pc it has 6gb ddr3 ram and a amd phenom 2 x4 830 would a r7 250 work on the 250w psu in it it gpu will never be under load the pc is used for word processing browsing the internet and playing minecraft