
Forum discussion tagged with chillblast.
  1. P

    Question CPU reaches 100*C when idle, but 35-42*C when gaming - utterly baffling

    Yesterday I restarted my new Chillblast PC for the first time, late at night, When it rebooted it was fully throttled. I checked the icue software - CPU temperature was 100*C for ALL CORES. GPU temperature was normal. Fans were at moderate speed as far as I know. A few seconds later it crashed...
  2. Intrepid_0ne

    Question Reliable companies to build a gaming PC...?

    Hi all, I am about to purchase a new gaming PC. I've pretty much decided on the spec (and its coming in around the 1500 mark for the base unit)... just unsure who I will get to build it. Many will say "build you're own, its cheaper!"... but I can't be bothered with all that, and money is not the...
  3. catch440

    [SOLVED] Flight Simulator 2020

    I'd be interested to know what builds people have, and how they are finding the frames per sec on high detail (not ultra)...?
  4. S

    Question Choosing between Additional (Palicomp) Novatech, Chillblast, PC Specialist, Scan UK, 3sx, Amari

    Novatech, Chillblast, PC Specialist, Scan PC and they 3x department, Amari how do they compare, any experience of them, worked for them? Which are better? These are who Im am short listing for a workstation purchase and trying to find out whats not listed in their sites ie customer service...
  5. G

    How do I remove the installation media from my USB?

    I created a windows 10 installation media a while ago, and I've decided to remove it from the usb because I no longer need it, and want to use it for otherthings like Memtest etc. Do I just delete or is there some special method? Don't really want to risk anything.
  6. R

    got services.msc running but because mouse clicks are ignored cannot enable superfetch because superfetch is not running

    I cannot access most of the clickable win 7 menus as super fetch is not running so that my mouse can only select an item but not obtain a sensible response. For instance, if I move the mouse over window close button the word close appears but clicking it does nothing; or if I click control...
  7. S

    BSOD on Windows 8.1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL ntoskrnl.exe and Wdf01000.sys

    Hey guys i'm getting tons of BSOD's lately. The error i'm getting is: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (ntoskrnl.exe or Wdf01000.sys) Any help?
  8. Denis  Stoikovski

    How could i know if my new psu cables are similar to my motherboard?

    So i will get this psu and my mobo is this will i have problems? also my cpu is 70w the gpu as i know gtx 770 is 550w will i be good with...