choosing a gpu

Forum discussion tagged with choosing a gpu.
  1. Chezzybunz

    Question Need Help Choosing New Gpu

    Hello, I'm wanting to make a gpu upgrade and am stuck on 2 choices and if there may be a better option than my 2 choices. I am currently running a gtx 1060 6gb and my upgrade choices I currently have are the Rx 6600 and the rtx 2060. The Rx 6600 goes for $240 brand-new (cad) and the Rtx 2060 for...
  2. AskenLurom

    [SOLVED] Choosing a 90$ (no-SFF) PC based on GPU compatibility

    Good afternoon. Here it's me, again. After my previous (closed) question, I'll try to take to very risky path of buying a computer on United States, and doing shipping to my country. You should then take into consideration I'm now restricted to a maximum budget of 90$, as maritime shipping is...