click issue

Forum discussion tagged with click issue.
  1. L

    Question Laptop trackpad has become permanently dented and doesn't tactile-click ?

    Hi All, Laptop model: ASUS Zenbook UX310U The trackpad on my laptop probably became dented because of a webcam cover I had once which must have pressed onto it when the laptop was closed. I have replaced the trackpad (new one in image) - still the same issue. I can move the cursor and click...
  2. N

    Question Right-click randomly stops working with both the touchpad and a USB mouse ?

    Hi, I bought a new ASUS Vivobook laptop. Everything works well, except that the right-click function randomly stops working for both USB mouse and touchpad. It stops working for around 5-6 seconds and then starts working again. This issue happens randomly. I tried to reinstall the mouse driver...