Forum discussion tagged with CNC.
  1. NwBstPlyr

    Question Power supply for my DIY CNC/Scara device ?

    So we're trying to come up with our own CNC device. We want to use these components: 3 x Nema 23 stepper motors (3V, 3A) 1 x Nema 17 stepper motor (3.6V, 1.2A) 4 x TB6600 driver controllers (takes in 9-42VDC, outputs 4A peak) Limit Switches Raspberry Pi 4 other components down the line I want...
  2. Mem Boi

    A good $800ish laptop

    This form makes it easier for us to recommend you a laptop, so we don't have to ask you lots of questions. Please copy and paste these questions into the thread you post, and we can help you find the laptop that suits you. 1. What is your budget? around $800 (950 most) 2. What is the size of...
  3. C

    Question Problems with COM port communication with CNC machine *urgent*

    Greetings, I currently have a problem with trying to get and old CAD/CAM program to communicate with our CNC machines at work. I'm working on getting a program called Power Stations to communicate back and forth with the com ports . Power stations is being emulated on a virtual machine called...
  4. T

    Regular user or admin user

    Hi I am the only user of this PC and I would like to have as much control as possible. I consider myself a rather experienced user. I see that I have 2 users now: my own user name and "Administrator". What is the difference? In Windows 7 I just enabled the super admin and that was it but in...